Self Love

5 Ways to Become Independent of Your Codependency!

5 Ways to Become Independent of Your Codependency!

It was not until recently that I discovered a root cause of all my toxic, and failed relationships: Codependency. You see, I have had no reason to define, or put a name to my own behaviors because when you are not aware of your own actions being toxic, you have no reason to think differently. It is very clear to me why I have always felt ‘less than’, or unable to please the people in my life, and it has so much to do with the codependent mindset I have developed from believing I had to put others above myself.

In this post, I share 5 important tools and skills I use on daily basis to help me become independent of my codependency. This is by no means the be-all, end-all, but it is a good start for those that may be struggling in their current relationships, and not necessarily know why. This post is to serve as an important reminder that you deserve to be treated the way you treat others and that you are allowed to set healthy boundaries, and standards for yourself, and YOUR happiness.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you!   

You Must Be Willing to Stand Alone!

You Must Be Willing to Stand Alone!

The word ‘alone’ gets a bad reputation because a lot of people tend to associate being alone with being lonely; that is simply not the case. Being alone is a choice; being lonely is a feeling. A feeling that we have the ability to change on our own!

It has been a full year since I made the decision to move away from home, and in that time, the term ‘alone’ has taken on a much different, and very important meaning in my life.  

In this post, I share with you what I have learned thus far since choosing to be alone. When we are able to make decisions for ourselves, lead a life that fulfills us, and are able to find reasons to enjoy our own company, we quickly find out that being alone is quite the opposite of being lonely. In fact, choosing to stand alone just may be exactly what you need to figure out exactly who you are. 

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.  

Be Brave Enough to Get Out of Your Own Way!

Be Brave Enough to Get Out of Your Own Way!

How often do you find yourself doing things that keep you busy, but prevent you from being truly productive? If you are anything like me, you tend to procrastinate even the simplest of tasks as a way to avoid feeling overwhelmed by everyday responsibilities. Keep in mind that I am not writing this because I have the answers, I am writing this because I am guilty of it too. Guilty of what you ask? Of being in my own way.

In this post, I talk about some of the everyday examples where I have kept myself from moving forward. I also share some of the ways I have been able to pull myself out of my self-sabotaging procrastination that can often times, leave me feeling debilitated. This post is for anyone who may struggle to find the balance between what needs to be done, and what we want to accomplish.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.

5 Daily Habits That Make Me a Better Person

5 Daily Habits That Make Me a Better Person

My life has always revolved around having certain ‘habits’, but it was not until my recovery that I started to learn (and accept) which habits were good for me, and which were bad; most of them being the latter. Because of this, I have spent the past couple years discovering which habits I could incorporate into my daily routine to make me a better person. What I have found thus far has been incredibly beneficial, not only in my recovery but just as a human being in general.

In this post, I share with you 5 daily habits that keep me on the right track, and I go over what each habit has done for my life since making it an everyday priority. We are all going to face tougher days in life, but it can be the daily habits we choose for ourselves that keep us afloat when the going gets tough. These may not all work for you, but I think all are worth giving a shot!

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.   

You are Allowed to Leave Anything Toxic!

You are Allowed to Leave Anything Toxic!

If you have ever found yourself in a toxic relationship, then you know the daily battle of what it takes to recover from a period of destructive behavior. Whether done unto us or self-inflicted, the way we treat ourselves when involved with toxic people is what can leave us with the most damage. It is often times easier for the abused to put the blame on themselves for how they are being treated, and by justifying the behavior of the toxic person, we are silently granting them permission to keep treating us in a toxic manner. You are allowed to change this. In fact, YOU are allowed to leave ANYTHING toxic!
In this post, I hope to restore the fact to everyone that we have always had control over our choices. When we can take a step back, and reevaluate how it is we are being treated, we can get honest with ourselves and recognize if we are giving much more than we are receiving. You do NOT have to settle for anyone who happens to cross your path, especially if that person is toxic to you in any way. It is important for all of us to remember that we are allowed to leave ANYTHING toxic!
Thank you for reading. I appreciate you!    

When Opportunity Knocks...ANSWER IT!

When Opportunity Knocks...ANSWER IT!

When it comes to taking chances or pursuing something that is important to us, it can be easy to fall victim to negative self-talk, and engage in thoughts that are not beneficial to you in any way. It is amazing how many times I have been able to justify a habit of mine just so I can remain comfortable and in control of where I am at in my life. When we find something that works for us ‘just enough’ it is important that we are not allowing certain opportunities to pass us by.  
In this post, I talk about ‘Opportunity’ and what it really means to pay attention to the path you are meant to travel in your life. I like to believe that the world is always showing us where to go next; whether or not we listen is up to us. I felt that it was important for me to share what I have learned from attempting to answer all opportunities that are thrown my way.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.  

(Please) STOP ‘Looking’ For Love…It Will Find YOU!

(Please) STOP ‘Looking’ For Love…It Will Find YOU!

Now that February is here, I wanted to start off strong with a ‘love’ post, since that tends to be the common theme this month, with Valentine’s Day right around the corner. This can stir up a mixture of emotions within people depending on their current relationship status, or situation. Regardless of if you are currently in a relationship, boycotting them, or wanting to be in one, the message within this post is for anyone!

In this post, I talk about ‘love’ and the injustice we are doing ourselves by looking for it in all the wrong places, settling for it because we think we need someone, or hoping for it because we believe it will fill a void. I talk about the differences between loneliness and being alone, and hopefully, you will leave this article with the important message of self-love, and why we should ever only focus on that kind of love in the first place.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you!

Instead of Calling It 'Change', Let's Call It 'Improvement'!

Instead of Calling It 'Change', Let's Call It 'Improvement'!

It’s Day 6 of the New Year, and if I had set any ‘resolutions’ I probably would have cheated on them already. If you read my post from last week, you already know how I feel about the pressure of ‘resolutions’ and the ‘change’ that most believe is required of them due to the changing of the year. But that is not what today's post is about.

In this post, I entertain the idea of us using a different way to describe ‘change’ since it usually gets a bad rep for being something that people never actually do. The word ‘change’ does not have to sound as scary as it may seem, because all we are really doing when we attempt to change, is improve something for the better. So, this year, maybe instead of calling it ‘change’, we should call it ‘improvement’, because isn’t that all we should be after anyways?

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.  

Plot Twist: You Do NOT Need to Have All the Answers!

Plot Twist: You Do NOT Need to Have All the Answers!

I know I am not alone in this feeling of needing to know who, what, when, where, & why. Who I want to be, what I want to do, when I need to achieve it by, where I am meant to end up, and why I am even doing it all in the first place. I am constantly feeling this overwhelming need to know the answers to these kinds of questions, and you know what I have learned? Having all the answers is not what life is about.

In this post, I not only talk about the uneasiness I often feel about not having all the answers, but I share what has helped me the most when figuring out this journey of mine. If anything, this post will be a good reminder that you are not alone in feeling like you must have it all mapped out perfectly. By the end of it, I hope to provide you with some peace of mind because guess what? You do NOT need to have all the answers!

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.

Megan Lawrence

Do NOT Be Afraid to OUTGROW People!

Do NOT Be Afraid to OUTGROW People!

A good friend of mine asked me recently, “How do you know when to let go of people?” And it truly made me stop and think for a bit. That is a good question, and it has been a thought that I haven’t been able to get off my mind since. What better way to get to the bottom of how I feel about this topic than by writing it out?

In this post, I discuss what I have learned about letting go of people through this recovery process of mine. As I took the time to reflect on my life thus far, I had the intense realization that I am still not that great at letting go, but I am certainly much better than I was in the past. When we can accept that not all connections are meant to last forever, we can move forward with the lives that we were always meant to live.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you. 

Taking a Break (from Life) in Boston!

Taking a Break (from Life) in Boston!

This past weekend I traveled to Boston, Massachusetts to explore a new city I am unfamiliar with, and ultimately, take a small break away from my life. The older I get, the more I have begun to appreciate the importance of self-love and doing things that provide you joy. Putting ourselves out there, and adjusting to change is a big part of discovering our independence.

In this post, I talk about my trip to Boston, but also, I talk about the value of doing things for yourself. Sometimes, all we need is a mini break from our lives to remind us that we are living for much more than just an everyday routine. Discovering what works for us will unfold over time, but we must start somewhere, and for me, Boston was just a stop along the way!

Thank you for reading! I appreciate you! 

5 Habits That Keep Me Happy, Healthy, & Recovering!

5 Habits That Keep Me Happy, Healthy, & Recovering!

We all need ways to cope with life. Period. Regardless of if you struggle with mental illness, addiction, or are currently in recovery, we could all could use advice when it comes to dealing with the everyday stress of simply being human. Why? Because sometimes being human is not simple at all.

In this post, I share with you the habits I swear by when it comes to staying sane in a crazy world. I incorporate them into my everyday life and they have proven to be beneficial in getting me out of a rut, spiking my serotonin (happy chemicals), and keeping me in recovery!

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.

Heartbreak: The Gift I Never Asked for, but a Gift Nonetheless!

Heartbreak: The Gift I Never Asked for, but a Gift Nonetheless!

Unless you are one of the lucky ones who got it right the first time, you have most likely had to endure the pain that comes from heartbreak. Regardless of where you are in the process of coping with that, I am here to tell you that heartbreak ended up being one of the most cherished, and greatest gifts I could have ever been given. Heartbreak can be felt through all kinds of avenues; not just in the romantic sense. 

In this post, I share why the loss of love has been one of the most beneficial life lessons for me, and why I no longer consider heartbreak to be such an ugly experience. Instead, I find it to be a gift, and one that we should embrace, accept, and ultimately, grow from.  

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.   

Change Is Important... So, Why Do We Fight It?

Change Is Important... So, Why Do We Fight It?

We have all been told that change is necessary for growth, and if this is the case, why do we avoid it at all costs? Is it fear of the unknown that we are the most afraid of? Or is it the comfort of an ‘okay’ life that keeps us from feeling like anything needs to change in the first place? Change is scary and you are not alone in thinking that, but also, the only thing you should fear, is never getting to experience your fullest life; the one on the other side of change.  

In this post, I talk about the importance of change in our lives, and why we shouldn’t fear it as much as we should just embrace it. Change is inevitable, and it will hurt a lot less if we don’t fight it.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.

Setting Boundaries Is Not Selfish; It's Survival!

Setting Boundaries Is Not Selfish; It's Survival!

One of the hardest challenges we must face in life is learning how to set boundaries within our relationships. What makes it so hard is the fact that we have grown so used to being a certain way, that it can feel like we are learning to walk again once we decide to put our foot down. Unfortunately, most people will never learn to set necessary boundaries, and I do not want you to fall into that category.
In this post, we will talk about recognizing when we need to take a step back and reevaluate some of the unhealthy boundaries we have in place currently. It is not selfish to value the relationship you have with yourself and to notice when you may be giving up too much of who you are. Creating boundaries is essential to your happiness, and it is a means of surviving this often, cruel world.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.

“You Aren’t Enough!” & Other Lies My Mind Tries to Convince Me Of!

“You Aren’t Enough!” & Other Lies My Mind Tries to Convince Me Of!

The idea for this article came to me while in the middle of another moment of weakness, and I decided it was time to talk about it. Not acknowledging our mental illnesses and pretending that everything is okay, I believe, is worse than the mental illness itself. I refuse to let my anxiety get the best of me, or my depression to feed off the worst. I no longer want to feel like I must stay quiet about topics that need to be talked about, so I am here to talk about my own.

In this post, I talk about the lies my mind has often been good at convincing me of, and what I do when I go into panic mode. Whether these moments of weakness last a couple hours, a couple days, or a couple weeks, I am slowly but surely learning how to talk about them because I KNOW I am not alone when it comes to being at war with myself.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you. 

You Were Whole Before Someone Made You Feel Broken!

You Were Whole Before Someone Made You Feel Broken!

Out of all the messages I receive, the most frequent question I get asked is, “How were you able to heal a broken heart?” It is no secret that I have felt “broken” before since my journey with writing started when I was in a very depressed state from the loss of someone I never intended on losing.
When I started sharing my words with the world three years ago, I was just a sad girl who was only looking for a way to heal her ‘brokenness’. What I learned in the process was something I never expected: I discovered that I had been a whole person all along and that it was up to me to brush myself off, repair the damage done, and find the love I had lost for myself while giving it to someone else.
In this post, I remind those out there who are suffering from feeling broken that they have always been whole; it was just ourselves that convinced us of anything different.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate you. 

We are All Healing on Our Own Timeline!

We are All Healing on Our Own Timeline!

Have you ever felt pressure to be at a different place in your life? Or maybe, you are starting to feel like you should have progressed quicker in certain areas? When it comes to ‘Healing’, I have found that most of us are constantly comparing ourselves to those around us, and criticizing ourselves harshly on not being where we feel like we should.

In this post, I use my recovery timeline as an example to show that we are all healing at different speeds, and THAT IS OKAY! We may not be exactly where we want, but it is important that we recognize that everyone is healing from various things; some that take much longer than others.

Regardless of where you are in your ‘Healing’ timeline, I am here to remind you that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and in due time, you will see why not all things work out the way we want them too.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.

You DO NOT Have to Like Every Person You Meet!

You DO NOT Have to Like Every Person You Meet!

Throughout our lives, we are going to come across certain people that we just can't seem to get along with, but you know what? This is okay. If you are anything like me, there have been a handful of times where you have felt the need to like someone just because it made the situation less uncomfortable. This could be in regards to the beginning of a romantic relationship, professional acquaintance, or the friend of friend that you just cannot relate to; and not from lack of trying. 

In this post, I talk about situations where we feel like we need to 'like' someone. I share my perspective on why we need to stop doing this, and why it is okay to not connect with every person that we come across.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.

10 Reasons Why I Will Never Regret the Time I Spent Alone

10 Reasons Why I Will Never Regret the Time I Spent Alone

I have spent the past couple years ‘alone’, and if you ask me, they have been the most beneficial years of my life. Somewhere along the way I think we were convinced that we must have someone to feel important, and I have learned that no one should validate our own existence except for ourselves.

In this post, I share with you 10 reasons why I will never regret the time I spent alone, and why we need to stop being so afraid of figuring out exactly who we are when no one else is around.  

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.