
Instead of Calling It 'Change', Let's Call It 'Improvement'!

Instead of Calling It 'Change', Let's Call It 'Improvement'!

It’s Day 6 of the New Year, and if I had set any ‘resolutions’ I probably would have cheated on them already. If you read my post from last week, you already know how I feel about the pressure of ‘resolutions’ and the ‘change’ that most believe is required of them due to the changing of the year. But that is not what today's post is about.

In this post, I entertain the idea of us using a different way to describe ‘change’ since it usually gets a bad rep for being something that people never actually do. The word ‘change’ does not have to sound as scary as it may seem, because all we are really doing when we attempt to change, is improve something for the better. So, this year, maybe instead of calling it ‘change’, we should call it ‘improvement’, because isn’t that all we should be after anyways?

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.  

Stop Waiting for the 'Perfect Time'...There Isn't One!

Stop Waiting for the 'Perfect Time'...There Isn't One!

We spend our days looking for ‘signs’ to take the next step, and we tell ourselves that the timing isn’t right, but what we are really doing, is holding ourselves back from pursuing what it is that we really want. We put our goals on hold, and let our dreams expire, and for what? Because we convinced ourselves that we would know when the timing was just right to move forward?

In this post, I talk about why timing will never be perfect, but also, I talk about why the perfect time is always right now. The ‘Perfect Time’ is a lovely idea, but in reality, it is just an excuse we tell ourselves to waste more time. Stop waiting for your life to start; just start it!

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you!

Two Years Sober & Learning How to Love Myself Again.

Two Years Sober & Learning How to Love Myself Again.

I never thought this day would come, because, like most addicts, I never wanted to admit that I had a problem. Nobody grows up knowing that one-day sobriety will become their fate, nor does anyone plan to self-destruct their way to ‘rock bottom’. But here I am, at day 731, and still choosing to climb up the wall of recovery.

In this post, I talk about the struggles I have faced in my two years of sobriety, as well as the beautiful things I have learned during the process of this lifelong journey. This post is less about sobriety and more about becoming who I was meant to be. Regardless of if you are sober, we are ALL having to heal from something, and this is just a story of my recovery thus far.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you. 

Why are we so afraid of our own potential?

Why are we so afraid of our own potential?

Are you holding yourself back from accomplishing your dreams? Are you stuck in a 'comfort zone' that you are trying to get out of? Are you worried that your own success will cause insecurities within other people? 

A lot of people are guilty of this; including myself. Why do we do this? We all have the potential to be something greater, so at what point do we follow our dreams, and at what point do we stop being so afraid?