Take Chances

When Opportunity Knocks...ANSWER IT!

When Opportunity Knocks...ANSWER IT!

When it comes to taking chances or pursuing something that is important to us, it can be easy to fall victim to negative self-talk, and engage in thoughts that are not beneficial to you in any way. It is amazing how many times I have been able to justify a habit of mine just so I can remain comfortable and in control of where I am at in my life. When we find something that works for us ‘just enough’ it is important that we are not allowing certain opportunities to pass us by.  
In this post, I talk about ‘Opportunity’ and what it really means to pay attention to the path you are meant to travel in your life. I like to believe that the world is always showing us where to go next; whether or not we listen is up to us. I felt that it was important for me to share what I have learned from attempting to answer all opportunities that are thrown my way.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.  

Stop Waiting for the 'Perfect Time'...There Isn't One!

Stop Waiting for the 'Perfect Time'...There Isn't One!

We spend our days looking for ‘signs’ to take the next step, and we tell ourselves that the timing isn’t right, but what we are really doing, is holding ourselves back from pursuing what it is that we really want. We put our goals on hold, and let our dreams expire, and for what? Because we convinced ourselves that we would know when the timing was just right to move forward?

In this post, I talk about why timing will never be perfect, but also, I talk about why the perfect time is always right now. The ‘Perfect Time’ is a lovely idea, but in reality, it is just an excuse we tell ourselves to waste more time. Stop waiting for your life to start; just start it!

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you!