
When Opportunity Knocks...ANSWER IT!

When Opportunity Knocks...ANSWER IT!

When it comes to taking chances or pursuing something that is important to us, it can be easy to fall victim to negative self-talk, and engage in thoughts that are not beneficial to you in any way. It is amazing how many times I have been able to justify a habit of mine just so I can remain comfortable and in control of where I am at in my life. When we find something that works for us ‘just enough’ it is important that we are not allowing certain opportunities to pass us by.  
In this post, I talk about ‘Opportunity’ and what it really means to pay attention to the path you are meant to travel in your life. I like to believe that the world is always showing us where to go next; whether or not we listen is up to us. I felt that it was important for me to share what I have learned from attempting to answer all opportunities that are thrown my way.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.  

Do NOT Be Afraid to OUTGROW People!

Do NOT Be Afraid to OUTGROW People!

A good friend of mine asked me recently, “How do you know when to let go of people?” And it truly made me stop and think for a bit. That is a good question, and it has been a thought that I haven’t been able to get off my mind since. What better way to get to the bottom of how I feel about this topic than by writing it out?

In this post, I discuss what I have learned about letting go of people through this recovery process of mine. As I took the time to reflect on my life thus far, I had the intense realization that I am still not that great at letting go, but I am certainly much better than I was in the past. When we can accept that not all connections are meant to last forever, we can move forward with the lives that we were always meant to live.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you. 

Fear Has Been Lying to Us This Whole Time!

Fear Has Been Lying to Us This Whole Time!

We are all familiar with the feeling of fear, and at one point or another, we have allowed that fear to hold us back from our growth. Whether that be taking the plunge into a new career, ending a comfortable relationship, or moving to a new city - we have all questioned if we are capable of doing something we have never done before. 

In this post, I will discuss the importance of challenging those fears that we create in our minds, and I provide examples of how facing my own fears has changed my life for the better. Fear is a LIAR, and it is about time that we stop listening to it. The life you are meant to live is right on the other side of that fence we have allowed fear to build.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.