
Be Brave Enough to Get Out of Your Own Way!

Be Brave Enough to Get Out of Your Own Way!

How often do you find yourself doing things that keep you busy, but prevent you from being truly productive? If you are anything like me, you tend to procrastinate even the simplest of tasks as a way to avoid feeling overwhelmed by everyday responsibilities. Keep in mind that I am not writing this because I have the answers, I am writing this because I am guilty of it too. Guilty of what you ask? Of being in my own way.

In this post, I talk about some of the everyday examples where I have kept myself from moving forward. I also share some of the ways I have been able to pull myself out of my self-sabotaging procrastination that can often times, leave me feeling debilitated. This post is for anyone who may struggle to find the balance between what needs to be done, and what we want to accomplish.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.

You are Allowed to Leave Anything Toxic!

You are Allowed to Leave Anything Toxic!

If you have ever found yourself in a toxic relationship, then you know the daily battle of what it takes to recover from a period of destructive behavior. Whether done unto us or self-inflicted, the way we treat ourselves when involved with toxic people is what can leave us with the most damage. It is often times easier for the abused to put the blame on themselves for how they are being treated, and by justifying the behavior of the toxic person, we are silently granting them permission to keep treating us in a toxic manner. You are allowed to change this. In fact, YOU are allowed to leave ANYTHING toxic!
In this post, I hope to restore the fact to everyone that we have always had control over our choices. When we can take a step back, and reevaluate how it is we are being treated, we can get honest with ourselves and recognize if we are giving much more than we are receiving. You do NOT have to settle for anyone who happens to cross your path, especially if that person is toxic to you in any way. It is important for all of us to remember that we are allowed to leave ANYTHING toxic!
Thank you for reading. I appreciate you!    

When Opportunity Knocks...ANSWER IT!

When Opportunity Knocks...ANSWER IT!

When it comes to taking chances or pursuing something that is important to us, it can be easy to fall victim to negative self-talk, and engage in thoughts that are not beneficial to you in any way. It is amazing how many times I have been able to justify a habit of mine just so I can remain comfortable and in control of where I am at in my life. When we find something that works for us ‘just enough’ it is important that we are not allowing certain opportunities to pass us by.  
In this post, I talk about ‘Opportunity’ and what it really means to pay attention to the path you are meant to travel in your life. I like to believe that the world is always showing us where to go next; whether or not we listen is up to us. I felt that it was important for me to share what I have learned from attempting to answer all opportunities that are thrown my way.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.  

Instead of Calling It 'Change', Let's Call It 'Improvement'!

Instead of Calling It 'Change', Let's Call It 'Improvement'!

It’s Day 6 of the New Year, and if I had set any ‘resolutions’ I probably would have cheated on them already. If you read my post from last week, you already know how I feel about the pressure of ‘resolutions’ and the ‘change’ that most believe is required of them due to the changing of the year. But that is not what today's post is about.

In this post, I entertain the idea of us using a different way to describe ‘change’ since it usually gets a bad rep for being something that people never actually do. The word ‘change’ does not have to sound as scary as it may seem, because all we are really doing when we attempt to change, is improve something for the better. So, this year, maybe instead of calling it ‘change’, we should call it ‘improvement’, because isn’t that all we should be after anyways?

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.  

A New Year is Always a Good Reason for a New You!

A New Year is Always a Good Reason for a New You!

We are always expected to have a list of goals that we want to accomplish in the New Year, and it is easy to feel pressure to be more prepared than most of us are ever truly feeling. So, instead of getting stressed about all the things we may need to change in our life, let’s allow ourselves the permission to be excited about this New Year, and the potential of a ‘New You!’

In this post, I try to avoid the word ‘resolutions’ and I do my best to focus on what a New Year could mean for a New You! As cliché as it may be to believe in the magic of new beginnings, there is a reason for why there is a magic there in the first place. Who really knows what the New Year could bring, but only you have the choice to make this Year a new one for YOU! Celebrate that!

Thank you for reading! I appreciate you!

Dear Society, I Have a Bone to Pick with You!

Dear Society, I Have a Bone to Pick with You!

At one point or another, we have all felt the need to defend who we are, and it’s most likely due to the societal pressures we feel on a daily basis to be someone that we are not. We question our worth, and we question our purpose, when really, we should be questioning the standards society has made us believe that we need to live up to. What is it going to take for us to believe in ourselves, and when will we feel like we are enough in a world that tells us we are not?

In this post, I write a letter to ‘Society’, expressing some of my concerns, and offering ways for us to make it better. We shouldn’t feel like we need to change who we are to fit into some mold of ‘perfection.’ You are enough, we are enough, and together, we can make this world a better place to live.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.

Change Is Important... So, Why Do We Fight It?

Change Is Important... So, Why Do We Fight It?

We have all been told that change is necessary for growth, and if this is the case, why do we avoid it at all costs? Is it fear of the unknown that we are the most afraid of? Or is it the comfort of an ‘okay’ life that keeps us from feeling like anything needs to change in the first place? Change is scary and you are not alone in thinking that, but also, the only thing you should fear, is never getting to experience your fullest life; the one on the other side of change.  

In this post, I talk about the importance of change in our lives, and why we shouldn’t fear it as much as we should just embrace it. Change is inevitable, and it will hurt a lot less if we don’t fight it.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.