Meet Sloane: She is a Proud Survivor…& for Good Reason!

Meet Sloane: She is a Proud Survivor…& for Good Reason!

It’s National Eating Disorder Awareness Week (NEDA), and what better way to get the word out there then by sharing a story of SURVIVAL?

Meet Sloane Green…she is just one girl with a story, but a story that can remind us all just how resilient us humans can be. With the right amount of support, love, and determination to get healthy, Sloane has been able to live a truly inspiring journey of recovery.

In this powerful submission, Sloane shares with us, an honest, vulnerable, and moving story of what it was like for her to survive the most toxic parts of herself, as well as what it took for her to climb herself out of her own darkness. Her story is one to be read, and one to be shared.

We need more survivors, like Sloane, to let others know that WE, YOU, US, can ALL get healthy! This may just be one story, but it is stories like this that can get others to pay attention to a subject that NEEDS more attention!

Thank you for being here. Thank you for reading.


Meet Beverly: She Discovered Her Highest Self While Recovering Herself! (& Others)

Meet Beverly: She Discovered Her Highest Self While Recovering Herself! (& Others)

Beverly is an impressive human being. -- With the beginning of her story involving substance abuse, anxiety, and depression, she was able to find her highest potential through alternative ways of healing. Through her recovery, she made the decision to go back to school, receive her Masters, and now, fulfill her potential by helping others find their own. 

Beverly's story focuses on the healing aspect of her journey and gives you a look into her own spiritual recovery. Her story is nothing short of inspiring, and I am honored to be given the chance to share it with you. 

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.

Meet Marv: He is Recovering One Rep at a Time!

Meet Marv: He is Recovering One Rep at a Time!

Marv is a recovering alcoholic, and drug addict, who has completely turned his life around in so many positive ways! He has finally found the light in the very dark tunnel that he traveled down for so long, and he has been sharing his story and his purpose with the world ever since. 

Regardless of if you yourself suffer from some of the same things that Marv did, his story is still something that we can all learn from. His journey has been very dark at times, but it is not who we have been that makes us who we are, it is what we decide to do about it that makes the difference. 

Marv is doing all that he can to make this world a better place, ONE REP AT A TIME. I hope you enjoy reading his story as much as I enjoyed being able to share it with you. 

Ashamed & Unaware: Dinora Opens Up About the Truth of Who She Is

Ashamed & Unaware: Dinora Opens Up About the Truth of Who She Is

Meet Dinora: She is a Mexican American, who just recently started to learn about her culture, and accept where it is that she came from. For too long, Dinora has felt ashamed of her skin color, but it wasn't until college that she started to learn more about herself, and begin the journey of accepting who she is. 

Read more to learn about the struggles Dinora faces as a minority, and the reasons for why she is no longer ashamed of that.

Allow me to introduce Sasha: She is a survivor of self-sabotage, and an inspiration for self-love!

Allow me to introduce Sasha: She is a survivor of self-sabotage, and an inspiration for self-love!

Sasha Tozzi is the kind of person that will make an impact on your life, even if you don't relate to her story. Her story is just a piece of her, and who she has become because of it is something we can all be inspired by. She wants only the best for everyone, and Sasha is someone we can all learn a thing or two from. Get to know Sasha a little bit more as she shares a piece of herself with us. You never know when someone else's story will save your life. 

Meet Nancy: An alcoholic who changed her life after 24 years of living in the fast lane

Meet Nancy: An alcoholic who changed her life after 24 years of living in the fast lane

Meet Nancy. She is a recovering alcoholic who has found the light at the end of her dark tunnel. She is here to share her story with the world and tell the truth about who she was, and who she has become because of that.

After 24 years of drinking and drugging, Nancy decides to try sober for a change. Read a story about a women who faced her demons head on, and discovered what she had been missing for so long: herself. 

Don't be bullied into silence: An anonymous story.

Don't be bullied into silence: An anonymous story.

This is an Anonymous story submitted by someone who was affected by bullying. Have you been personally bullied into believing you are someone that you are not? Bullying comes in all shapes, and sizes. It does not discriminate, and it is the cruelest kind of behavior. Read this story to learn about someone who was bullied, has been the bully, and ultimately, came out on top of this vicious cycle. Read more to hear the important message this person has to share with you.