
Meet Sloane: She is a Proud Survivor…& for Good Reason!

Meet Sloane: She is a Proud Survivor…& for Good Reason!

It’s National Eating Disorder Awareness Week (NEDA), and what better way to get the word out there then by sharing a story of SURVIVAL?

Meet Sloane Green…she is just one girl with a story, but a story that can remind us all just how resilient us humans can be. With the right amount of support, love, and determination to get healthy, Sloane has been able to live a truly inspiring journey of recovery.

In this powerful submission, Sloane shares with us, an honest, vulnerable, and moving story of what it was like for her to survive the most toxic parts of herself, as well as what it took for her to climb herself out of her own darkness. Her story is one to be read, and one to be shared.

We need more survivors, like Sloane, to let others know that WE, YOU, US, can ALL get healthy! This may just be one story, but it is stories like this that can get others to pay attention to a subject that NEEDS more attention!

Thank you for being here. Thank you for reading.


Meet Beverly: She Discovered Her Highest Self While Recovering Herself! (& Others)

Meet Beverly: She Discovered Her Highest Self While Recovering Herself! (& Others)

Beverly is an impressive human being. -- With the beginning of her story involving substance abuse, anxiety, and depression, she was able to find her highest potential through alternative ways of healing. Through her recovery, she made the decision to go back to school, receive her Masters, and now, fulfill her potential by helping others find their own. 

Beverly's story focuses on the healing aspect of her journey and gives you a look into her own spiritual recovery. Her story is nothing short of inspiring, and I am honored to be given the chance to share it with you. 

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.