
Two Years Sober & Learning How to Love Myself Again.

Two Years Sober & Learning How to Love Myself Again.

I never thought this day would come, because, like most addicts, I never wanted to admit that I had a problem. Nobody grows up knowing that one-day sobriety will become their fate, nor does anyone plan to self-destruct their way to ‘rock bottom’. But here I am, at day 731, and still choosing to climb up the wall of recovery.

In this post, I talk about the struggles I have faced in my two years of sobriety, as well as the beautiful things I have learned during the process of this lifelong journey. This post is less about sobriety and more about becoming who I was meant to be. Regardless of if you are sober, we are ALL having to heal from something, and this is just a story of my recovery thus far.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you. 

The Role of 'Best Friend' is One of the Most Important!

The Role of 'Best Friend' is One of the Most Important!

How many of you knew that #NationalBestFriendDay was this past week? (How many of you knew that there is a #NationalDay for practically everything?) I have always been a big supporter of this day specifically, and it is because I think the role of a ‘best friend’ needs to be celebrated more. Despite being proud of the independence I have created for myself, the ‘best friend’s’ I have in my life are a huge part of my strong personal foundation.

In this post, I talk about the importance of friendship, and I explain why the role of a ‘best friend’ should be celebrated on more than just one day. In a world that is constantly challenging our every move, thought, and belief, it is nice to know that there is someone out there who makes our world a better place. 

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.