
Setting Boundaries Is Not Selfish; It's Survival!

Setting Boundaries Is Not Selfish; It's Survival!

One of the hardest challenges we must face in life is learning how to set boundaries within our relationships. What makes it so hard is the fact that we have grown so used to being a certain way, that it can feel like we are learning to walk again once we decide to put our foot down. Unfortunately, most people will never learn to set necessary boundaries, and I do not want you to fall into that category.
In this post, we will talk about recognizing when we need to take a step back and reevaluate some of the unhealthy boundaries we have in place currently. It is not selfish to value the relationship you have with yourself and to notice when you may be giving up too much of who you are. Creating boundaries is essential to your happiness, and it is a means of surviving this often, cruel world.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.

10 Reasons Why You Should Be Afraid of Your "Comfort Zone"

10 Reasons Why You Should Be Afraid of Your "Comfort Zone"

Are you afraid to challenge yourself because you don't know if taking the risk for what you want is worth it? Are you holding yourself back because things are going smoothly, and you are content with the way things are? 

Your comfort zone can be a scary place if you choose to remain there, and nothing changes if you aren't willing to get a bit uncomfortable and follow those dreams of yours. We must take chances, and risk certain things so we can learn what we are capable of. I have come up with 10 reasons why you should be afraid of your comfort zone, and why you should never settle for less than what you deserve.