A little back story on my instagram:

I started posting my words back in 2014, when i was a sad, lost, and heart broken human being. My instagram became my diary, and the only place where I felt honest for once in my life. my truth caught the attention of many readers, and before i knew it, my ig page became something I never intended for it to be: a place for people to relate, and the outlet I needed to become the person I am today. It was through instagram that i discovered how many of us are actually suffering, and looking for ways to cope with that. It was through my words, and sharing my story, that i learned how important it was to just be open about who i am. It was through my instagram that i discovered my love for connecting with other people, and inspiring them to be at peace with who they are. I don't share my thoughts with the world for anything other than finding those who relate to me. This world can be a scary place, and i think we need more places out there where we can just be ourselves. That is what instagram was for me, and i hope this page, is that for you.